burn fat jumping on trampoline

A Fascinating Behind-the-Scenes Look at Trampoline and Thigh Fat


Jumping on a trampoline is one of the best ways to burn fat, build muscle, and increase your overall strength. But it’s not just for kids; I’ve been jumping on a trampoline to lose weight and get fit for years.

 In this post, we’ll discuss how jumping on a trampoline burns fat and other benefits of using this fitness tool.

Does jumping on a trampoline burn fat

You can burn a lot of fat by jumping on a trampoline. The more you jump, the more calories you burn.

 It’s easy to calculate how many calories you’re burning by counting the number of times you jump per minute and multiplying that by your weight in pounds.

 If a person weighs 150 pounds, for example, and jumps 30 times per minute for 60 minutes:

  • 30 x 150 = 4500 total jumps
  • 4500 x .25 = 1237 total calories burned
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Photo by Anna Tarazevich on Pexels.com

How does jumping on a trampoline burn fat

This is the big question for many people who want to lose fat.

First of all, let’s look at the benefits of jumping on a trampoline:

  • It’s an excellent cardio workout, and you’ll be burning calories and increasing your heart rate.
  • It’s easy to do anywhere you can find space, so it’s convenient (especially if you’re traveling).
  • Because it burns many calories and helps with weight loss and toning muscles.

If you’ve been looking for an effective way to burn off that stubborn thigh fat, consider adding trampolining into your routine.

Does jumping on a trampoline build muscle

As you’ve probably noticed, I like to tell it like it is. And that’s why I’m going to tell you that jumping on a trampoline does not build muscle.

 It also doesn’t help you jump higher or burn thigh fat. As far as your legs go, jumping on a trampoline doesn’t do much of anything except make them sore from all the bouncing and landing (which may or may not result in some nice bruises).

There are two reasons why this is the case; firstly, when you’re jumping on a trampoline, there’s minimal resistance, in fact, none at all, which means there’s no need for any muscles other than those used for simply moving around.

 Secondly and most importantly, even though people tend to think “more is better” when it comes to exercise routines, they often overdo things by working out more than necessary.

The opposite tends to be true when it comes to these kinds of exercises like running marathons every day instead of just going out once per week, walking instead of running etcetera.

When overdoing an activity such as cardio-type activities (running/jumping), more time spent doing something will mean more fantastic overall results if done correctly.

Does jumping on a trampoline make your legs bigger

Let’s start by asking a simple question: “Does jumping on a trampoline make your legs bigger?” The answer is no. If you’re overweight and work out regularly, even if you’re doing that while bouncing around on a trampoline, you’ll see weight loss in your legs.

 However, the amount of weight loss depends on how many calories you burn during those workouts, not whether or not they involve jumping (or any other exercise).

If we want to get technical about it, there are two types of muscle growth: hypertrophy (growth due to increasing the size of existing cells) and hyperplasia (growth due to increasing the number of living cells).

Neither type has anything to do with how much time we spend on our feet or in our gyms. If anything causes muscle hypertrophy, it’s muscle damage from intense training sessions such as those required for bodybuilders who want big muscles.

 But even then, there are limits because some surplus protein will be broken down into amino acids, which can be used elsewhere within our bodies rather than being stored as fat tissue. There will always be limitations even when working hard at building up muscles through intense workouts.

Does jumping on a trampoline help you jump higher

It is a common misconception that jumping on a trampoline will help you jump higher. -This belief stems from the fact that when you jump, your center of gravity shifts, and as your body shifts up and down, it feels like you are bouncing higher than before.

 The truth is, however, that this is not the case at all; you’re reaching the same height every time. This can be proven by measuring how high off of the ground each person jumps at the highest point in their jump and then comparing this to how high off of the ground each person lands at the lowest point in their landing.

For instance, if Alice has been jumping 8″ off of the ground before trying out her new trampoline, then after using the said gadget for some time now, she might find herself jumping 9″ or even 10″.

But if Bob had been previously jumping 5″ high before purchasing his backyard gym equipment…well…he won’t notice much difference at all when he steps onto his new piece of equipment after one session (maybe 6″).

The only way these two people could achieve different results would be if they were both wearing shoes with springs attached underfoot (or something similar).

 Even so, these “springy shoes” wouldn’t necessarily allow either individual access to any additional height above average, as we’ve established earlier, merely more lateral movement across the land instead.

Does jumping on a trampoline burn thigh fat

Even though this is a common question, the answer is not entirely straightforward. The good news is that jumping on a trampoline can help you lose weight and reduce your body fat in general, including in your thighs.

It’s one of the best exercises for burning calories and strengthening your muscles. That said, there are limits to how much weight you will be able to lose with this particular exercise.

This means that even if you do everything right while exercising on a rebounder (or “tramp”), you won’t necessarily see any noticeable changes in the mirror or the scale.


We hope that you now have a better understanding of how trampolining can help to build muscle and burn fat. We also wanted to give some tips on how you can get started with your trampoline routine at home.

 If you are looking for a great way to get started with this, we recommend that you start by looking at our guide on how to put a trampoline together.

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