7 Incredible Benefits Of A Trampoline For Children With ADHD.

7 Incredible Benefits Of A Trampoline For Children With ADHD.

Trampoline is a popular recreational activity. Many see it as exercise, and others find it to be an exciting way to challenge themselves physically. Unfortunately, people with ADHD often suffer low self-esteem and low energy, but trampoline can help ADHD patients more than expected.

People with ADHD are very active, constantly moving their bodies when they become excited or stressed. The trampoline provides an outlet for this abundant energy. It is a place where people with ADHD want to be – jumping, flipping, and tumbling.

This is an easy way for kids with ADHD to burn off some of that excess energy without disrupting others around them. Trampoline is physically demanding, which stresses the body in a good way. However, it can also make any game or workout with a trampoline beneficial for many reasons. Here are some of those.

1. Equilibrium Training

A trampoline moves a person in all directions. This has the effect of stimulating the vestibular system, which controls balance and physical orientation. A trampoline can help people with ADHD get their bodies back into a state of equilibrium without drugs or other external forces. 

Sensory integration can be a real challenge for some individuals with ADHD, and trampoline may assist by providing an enjoyable way to obtain equilibrium naturally. By stimulating sensory centers that have been dysregulated due to injury/damage or not being used enough during development, a trampoline can “wake up” these neurons and allow them to start working correctly, so they contribute to the proper function of the whole brain.

2. Building Muscle and Endurance

A trampoline is a form of strength training. It can be challenging to fit in exercise when dealing with ADHD; there’s always something more pressing to do! However, trampoline offers a unique advantage: an intense workout in a short period.

For example, adults weighing 150 pounds may jump three feet into the air on a 10-foot trampoline (if that doesn’t sound fun yet, try it)! In addition, this kind of activity builds muscle and endurance while requiring focus and mental acuity—advantages typically not associated with traditional forms of “exercise.”

3. Strengthening Connections Between Hemispheres

All information coming into our brains has to pass through our sensory organs. It is then processed by the part of our brain that receives that information. If something goes wrong when processing sensory input, it can lead to difficulties with focus and attention.

This is because all senses work together in combination, and a trampoline stimulates sensual organs such as eyes (visual) and ears (auditory). It also involves proprioception (body awareness), which feeds into equilibrium control.

Because trampoline is different from other activities (“exercises”), this stimulus may provide the necessary “wake up” call for sensory neurons for them to start working correctly in conjunction with all parts of the brain.

4. Reducing Impulsive Behaviors

When a person has ADHD, it’s not always possible to ignore every distraction or temptation. This can lead to poor decisions, which leads to frustration and decreased self-esteem as individuals with ADHD cannot change what they have done.

A trampoline offers a way around this impulsive behavior: It is impossible to focus on multiple things at once. Consequently, it may be easier for those with ADHD to avoid engaging in impulsive behaviors while using a trampoline because of the type of activity that a trampoline is—high-intensity physical exertion that requires complete focus on that activity alone.

5. Finding Joy in Movement

Many people have found their lives devoid of “fun” simply because they have been diagnosed with ADHD. While medication can help correct many problems associated with attention deficit, finding joy in movement can be difficult, mainly when one is accustomed to sitting still for eight hours in front of a computer screen.

A trampoline offers the fun of movement but with less risk than it would pose on its own, making it safer and more likely that people will enjoy themselves while bouncing up and down (literally). A trampoline park may offer some reassurance by providing a place where people with ADHD can enjoy themselves without worrying about someone judging them.

6. Improving Mood

When people with ADHD see their problems as insurmountable, it can be challenging to maintain a positive mood. A trampoline park is an inviting place where people of all ages and abilities can come together and socialize while enjoying themselves.

The prospect of getting better at bouncing on a trampoline may lead to increased self-esteem, which can turn into motivation to continue improving one’s quality of life through learning more about one’s condition and how to cope with it.

Bouncing up and down in such an environment may be the type of fun that helps those with ADHD find themselves again—and maybe even discover new parts of themselves they didn’t know existed.

7. Having Purpose

Many people with ADHD feel as if they are constantly living in a world that moves too quickly. However, there is no universal pace at which things should be done. This can lead to frustration and self-doubt for those who do not know what works best for them.

A trampoline park offers a relatively controlled environment where the focus of the activity is bouncing up and down, which gives each person an opportunity to learn at their own pace while still having fun with others who may have similar interests, such as music or pop culture trivia.

The knowledge gained from using a trampoline may seem trivial compared to schoolwork or career advancement. However, finding one’s place in life starts by taking steps forward even when it seems impossible to do so. Using a trampoline is one of these steps that can help those with ADHD find what they love and improve their lives for the better.


When it comes to benefits, simply getting up and trying something new—even if it’s just bouncing on a trampoline at your local fitness club or park—can help people with ADHD feel like they are part of the world again.

Other benefits include mood improvement, self-esteem boosts, heightened sensory awareness (visual and auditory), overcoming impulsive behaviors, finding joy in movement, improved socialization skills, and ultimately rediscovering their purpose.

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