
Getting Started With Trampoline Net Made Simple: What You Need to Know


We all want to see our kids enjoy their trampolines, but if you don’t have a net installed and something goes wrong, it could be devastating. Here are the steps to follow for installing a net on your trampoline:

Attaching net to trampoline

  • First, you’ll need to attach the trampoline net to the frame of your trampoline. To do this, take one end of your bungee cord and wrap it around a bolt on one side of the trampoline frame.
  • Then, the thread that ends through an eyelet at the opposite end of your netting and back through another eyelet on that same side. Repeat this step with two more bolts so that three bungee cords attach each side of your net to your trampoline frame (see image below). You don’t want these cords too tight or loose—make sure they are snug enough that they won’t come undone under everyday use!

Measuring trampoline for net

Measuring your trampoline for a net is an important step. First, you need to measure the length of your trampoline from end to end. Then, you’ll want to measure the width of your trampoline from side to side.

Next, you’ll want to measure the height of your trampoline from the top bar to the bottom bar. After that, take note of how far away from the wall or fence you will be installing your net (this doesn’t need to be exact).

Finally, take note of how far away from the ground you’ll be installing your net (this doesn’t need to be exact).

Installing a safety net on a trampoline

The first step in installing a safety net on your trampoline is to ensure that you have all the tools, materials, and instructions necessary for the job before you start.

 It’s also important to read all of these instructions thoroughly so that you know exactly what’s involved in completing this task.

Some general guidelines for installing a safety net include:

  • You should install netting before jumping. Your children should never use or jump on any trampoline without first having it installed with a safety bar or enclosure kit (if applicable).
  • You should follow all manufacturer’s directions closely when installing this product. When installing your safety net, ensure all parts are functioning correctly, secure, and adequately attached according to manufacturer specifications.

How to make your trampoline safety net

You can make your trampoline a safety net by using a few essential tools and materials. A standard trampoline, measuring 10 feet in diameter, requires a trap at least 6 feet high.

However, it’s always a good idea to make the net as tall as possible so that children don’t hit their heads on the top when bouncing around on the trampoline.

To begin making your trampoline safety net:

  • Measure how much material you need for each piece of your safety net (you will have four pieces total). The best way to figure this out is by first making sure all measurements are in inches instead of centimeters, then adding up all sides of each square piece individually before multiplying them together. By doing this math yourself, instead of relying on an online calculator, you’ll be able to ensure everything lines up correctly throughout construction.
  • Cut out four pieces from each side’s designated measurement with scissors or another cutting tool (like an Exacto knife). If possible, avoid paper cuts by wearing gloves while doing this step! If any holes happen through during cutting, place electrical tape over them until finishing touches are applied later on down below,

Find an installation option that works for you.

When choosing trampoline netting, it is essential to consider the type of trampoline you have and its size. If you have an old model, the trampoline may not have enough space around its poles for the netting to be attached.

These are the ways to attach your safety net:

Install DIY safety nets: This can be done by yourself or with help from someone else. A DIY installation requires uniting one end of each piece of nylon rope (strong nylon will do) to an anchor point on your trampoline frame using special clips or clamps that come with most brands’ kits.

It also requires tying knots at regular intervals along each length of rope so they won’t slip off during use (you’ll need some practice with measuring and knot tying).

Most kits include instructions on how long each piece should be based on height above ground level (this is where having access nearby would help!).

Finally, holes are drilled into all four corners, allowing anchors inside them, so they don’t move around too much when jumping up high off them.”

Fixing a hole in a trampoline net. Are trampolines without nets safe?

The first step to fixing a hole in a trampoline net is to know the size of the damage. If you have a small tear or rip, it may be possible to fix it yourself without having to replace the entire net.

However, if there is more extensive damage, then it’s probably time for you to get new replacement parts from Amazon or your local hardware store.

If your torn netting is small enough that you think you can make do with repairing it yourself, grab some duct tape and scissors and set about fixing things up.

 Cut out any rips and holes larger than 2 inches in diameter so that they don’t get worse over time (and also so kids can still use it).

Then apply some duct tape strips lengthwise across both sides of each slit piece so that no further tearing occurs when kids jump on them during playtime at home or school.

Fixing a tear in the trampoline net

For a tear on the outside of a trampoline net, you can quickly repair it by sewing from the inside. Use a needle and thread that are strong enough to hold up your trampoline net.

The size of the needle will depend on how thick your thread is. If you’re using something like polypropylene rope (available at any hardware store), then anywhere between 12 and 18 gauge should be fine.

Try not to use anything thicker than 18 gauge because it can be hard to control when going through thick material like this. Once again: make sure that whatever needle/thread combo you choose is strong enough to hold up an entire trampoline.

Cleaning a trampoline net

After you use your trampoline net, it’s essential to clean it. You can do this in a variety of ways:

  • Use a hose and push water through the net. -This is the most basic and most straightforward method but also the least effective. To get all the dirt out, you’ll need to scrub or brush with something like a stiff brush or vacuum attachment.
  • Use some cleaning solution (such as laundry detergent) and scrub gently with an old toothbrush or other scrubbing tools until all gunk is gone from each hole in the netting (some people use dish soap instead). Then rinse well with lots of water! If this seems too complicated for you, try the next option.
  • Just fill up your bathtub and soak your trampoline net overnight in warm soapy water — when you wake up, all those cobwebs will be gone. Make sure that no kids are around when doing this because there’s always some risk involved when using sharp objects near open bodies of water.

How to string a trampoline net

Stringing a trampoline net is a simple process that only requires a few minutes of your time. Tie the net to each corner of the frame with rope or twine, then tie at least two more lines across the middle section of each side.

When you’ve done that, attach it securely on either side by looping one end around a hook on top of your trampoline and pulling it through so that no loose ends are sticking out.

 Finally, wrap both ends around another hook in front and pull them back toward you until they meet at the center point where they were attached earlier.

Taking down a trampoline with net

To take down your trampoline, follow these steps:

  • Get all the kids off the trampoline and ensure it’s unplugged.
  • Lay a ladder under one of the corners of the springs, making sure there are no gaps between them so that you can step on them safely when you come down from the ladder later.
  • Lift one corner with your hands and place it flat on top of the ladder;
  • -this will give you extra height to work with as you take apart some parts of your system while keeping others connected in case they need to be put back together later on when doing repairs or maintenance on them.

If this is too difficult for someone who isn’t physically strong, enlisting help from other family members may be necessary until they get used more regularly over time


If you’re looking for a way to keep your kids safer on the trampoline, a net is a significant investment.

The process might seem daunting at first, but there are plenty of resources out there that can help make it easier.

If you have any questions about installing one yourself, don’t hesitate to ask for help.

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