jumping on a trampoline while pregnant

Jumping on a Trampoline While Pregnant: The Truth and Lies

Two months into my pregnancy, I wanted to go on a trampoline so badly. I had been reading about the physical benefits of prenatal exercise for babies, but I also have a history of miscarriage. I am afraid that I may lose my baby jumping on a trampoline while pregnant.

But do I need to be?

No matter how careful you are, accidents can happen while you’re pregnant. It seems that women who are expecting have a higher rate of injury than the general population. That’s because hormones cause ligaments to relax during pregnancy, increasing your risk for injuries.

pregnant woman sitting on bathtub

You know you carry a baby and as such special consideration needs to be applied in every physical activity, trampolining inclusive.

Is it safe to jump on a trampoline while pregnant?

Jumping on a trampoline should be avoided while pregnant unless it is recommended by a doctor. If your doctor gives you medical clearance to jump on a trampoline at any time during your pregnancy, take certain measures to avoid hurting yourself.
Following certain safety precautions may reduce the risk of injuring yourself. With safety precautions adhered strictly to and with your doctor’s approval, there is nothing stopping you from enjoying the benefits of an easy low-impact exercise that a trampoline offers;
Jumping alone erases the probability of colliding with another person although you will need someone to serve as an assistant close by just in case; nevertheless, another person should be within sight in case you want assistance.
Your trampoline should be covered not just with a safety net but also with a safety pad. The safety net reduces the impact of your falling while the safety pad is used to cover hard surfaces like metal hooks, frames, and springs.
Remember that with the best safety measures adherence doesn’t still stop you from falling while trampolining and should you fall, see your doctor.
So, the question of if it is safe to jump on a trampoline while pregnant is yes, provided you’re just going to do low bounces and in a light fashion.
Your body will house another human for about 9 months and it will lead to a lot of physical changes which include weight gain and some other body issues such as joint, foot, and back pain.

Exercising provides a natural way to reduce the impact of these changes. It keeps your weight in check and improves the range of motion across your joints also keeping you flexible and reducing the occurrence of joint and body pains

Can you go to a trampoline park while pregnant?

Of course, you can go to a trampoline park while pregnant. You can even take your kids while going but will it be advised to jump on a trampoline in a trampoline park? Nope.  Most trampoline parks also have safety guidelines strictly telling pregnant women not to participate.
If you’re attending a mini-trampoline exercise class, you may not be allowed to participate in the program but before reaching out to the instructor-in-change of the exercise, reach out to your doctor.

Why can’t you jump on a trampoline while pregnant?

The amniotic fluid in the uterus serves as a shock absorber although trampolining may be accompanied by excessive movement of the fetus and fall as there is a change in the center of gravity.
These may lead to placental detachment in its severe form and the death of the fetus. This scenario occurs very rarely.

Should I jump on the trampoline while pregnant to induce labor?

We do not recommend you jump on the trampoline while pregnant to induce labor. Having a problem-free pregnancy is a blessing, why try to complicate it. Doing an aerobic workout is advised during pregnancy. Doing physical activities such as walking, and modified yoga improves blood flow, lymphatic circulation, and subsequently the immune system of the body.

Can jumping on a trampoline while pregnant cause miscarriage?

Jumping on a trampoline while pregnant will not likely make you have a miscarriage. Although, about half of all pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) with the majority of the miscarriages happening in the first trimester. So, should you miscarry while trampoline, we do not think it was due to the jumping on the trampoline. Above all, inquire from your doctor or wait till you give birth.

Can jumping on a trampoline while pregnant cause miscarriage?

Jumping on a trampoline during first-trimester pregnancy

a pregnant woman sitting on a yoga ball
Photo by Yan Krukov on Pexels.com

During your first semester, your physique may not change although the baby’s growth is increasing. You may not even be aware that you are pregnant as the first trimester is from 1st week of pregnancy to the 12th week of pregnancy.

The first trimester is particularly notorious in the life of a baby as it is the period that is common with birth abnormalities and a significant fall from trampolining can be harmful to both the baby and you.

It is expected to gain weight not just in your stomach but your whole body and this may shift the center of gravity and weight distribution when you fall. Avoid activities that require sudden changes in direction, jumping, or bouncing to avoid falling or injuring oneself. 

So can you jump on a trampoline while 5 weeks, 7 weeks, 9 weeks, 10 weeks or 13 weeks pregnant?

As your pregnancy advances, you will be increasing in size and weight and lose your previous center of gravity and balance. This loss in balance is very important during trampolining and may lead to a fall during bouncing.
A lot of women worry if rocking or jumping movements will affect their growing baby in the womb. The short answer is no, as the baby is protected in the womb and may even enjoy the rocking sensation.
While this is true, a trampoline is still not ideal for jumping on when pregnant.

So can you jump on a trampoline in early pregnancy?

Generally speaking, exercise helps during pregnancy not only in helping shed excess weight but also helps during labor as it makes the process easier. Trampolining is a form of exercise that is highly effective and can prevent you from gaining too much weight right from early pregnancy.
So yes, you can jump on a trampoline in early pregnancy but speak with your doctor first.

Jumping on a Trampoline during Second and Third Trimesters Pregnancy

woman doing yoga
Photo by freestocks.org on Pexels.com

The body starts going through rapid changes during the second and third trimesters. The abdomen starts increasing in size and changing the center of gravity of the body affecting how the body distributes weight initially.

Any physical activity that entails rapid changes in direction, or bouncing on a trampoline may make you lose stability affecting how you land on the trampoline.

Now that the baby is growing, your potential of falling down on your own simply because your center of balance is off is just too high to risk. You can easily get hurt and now your growing baby can, too.

Also, the possibility of falling down on your stomach is a genuine threat, which could have disastrous results, including placental abruption and fetal loss.

The body produces a hormone called Relaxin during the second and third trimester in anticipation of childbirth. This hormone helps relax the pelvis and joints and as such makes the body more prone to injury and may impair balance and coordination. All these are required while jumping on a trampoline

So aside from failing, jumping on a trampoline may lead to greater chances of accident both to you and the baby leading to injury. In everything, always speak to your doctor.

So no, you cannot jump on a trampoline in the second and third trimesters.

Trampoline workout for pregnant women

Should you get the go-ahead to trampoline, below are simple trampoline exercises you can do while pregnant. If you have no prior history of trampolining before pregnancy, it will be better to engage in other workouts that are pregnancy-friendly. Always remember that high-intensity exercises can be left till after delivery.

  • Basic Trampoline Bounce
  • Trampoline Prances
  • Trampoline Squats

Safety precautions while Trampolining for Pregnant Women

Your doctor has given you a go-ahead to jump on a trampoline while pregnant, always remember your safety comes first.

  • Use a small in-home trampoline than a large outdoor one.
  • Use a safety net
  • Use a safety pad
  • Make sure there is someone close by just in case of an accident
  • Do not be more than one jumping on the trampoline at a time.

The amniotic fluid in the womb serves not just for delivering nutrients to the baby, they also serve to cushion the effect of shock, absorbing the impact of the trampolining effortlessly.

people woman sitting technology
Photo by MART PRODUCTION on Pexels.com

Should you fall on your stomach, endeavor to see your doctor to be sure both you and your baby are fine.

What are warning signs that I should stop jumping on a trampoline while pregnant?

There are some signs that tell you to stop trampolining and reach out to your obstetrician and they include

  • Vaginal bleeding.
  • Amniotic fluid leakage.
  • Regular, painful uterine contractions.
  • Having difficulty breathing, feeling dizzy, or fainting.
  • Other problems that require medical attention such as Chest pain, muscle weakness, or pain in your feet.
Jumping on a Trampoline While Pregnant


While you may have been able to bounce around on a trampoline when you were younger and not pregnant, it’s not as easy when you’re pregnant. As we mentioned in the article, we highly recommend that pregnant women stay away from trampolines at all costs.

Pregnancy comes with a lot of changes and these changes will also reflect in your exercise routine. It’s advised that you adapt your current exercise routine to be pregnancy-friendly, and you can find sports that are ideal for pregnancy too. This is because there are just too many risks associated with them and it’s not worth taking any chances with your unborn child.

Experts agree these exercises are safest for pregnant women:

  • Walking
  • Swimming and water workouts.
  • Stationary bicycling
  • Modified yoga and modified Pilates

If you have some tips or advice of your own for other parents-to-be, please let us know by leaving a comment below!

All information found on AltitudeTrampolineParkLR.com is intended for informational and educational purposes only. The information provided on this website is not intended to be a replacement or substitute for professional medical advice. 

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